What can I do for you as an MEP?

  • Adapting European laws to the needs of Malta as an island state
  • Increase the share of EU opportunities for Maltese youths and organisations
  • Stepping up the fight against corruption via new avenues including EPPO, OLAF and EU legislation
  • More investment of European funds in Gozo, improving connectivity through EU funds
  • Implementation of European rights and standards in Malta and Gozo

My Story


Riċeviment f’għeluq il-kampanja elettorali

Riċeviment f’għeluq il-kampanja elettorali

Il-Gonna tal-Argotti
05 Jun 2024 07:30 PM -

Peter Agius Kandidat MEP. 5 ta’ Ġunju, Argotti Gardens Floriana, 7.30 pm.

Riċeviment f’għeluq il-kampanja elettorali

Get to know Peter Agius

Peter Agius was the first Maltese employed by the European Institutions in Brussels. Currently, he’s a senior official of the European Parliament having previously worked as Head of the European Parliament Office in Malta and as a member of the European Parliament President Antonio Tajani’s secretariat.

Agius also worked as a lawyer and negotiator on European laws in the Council of the EU in Brussels where he was responsible for negotiations on pharmaceuticals, the internal market, online gaming and consumer protection amongst others.

Agius graduated in law from the University of Malta and later pursued his studies in European law with a Masters from the Université Libre de Bruxelles. For many years, Agius was also a lecturer at several institutions in European law and politics where he was responsible, amongst others, in preparing the Maltese civil service for the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the EU.

Agius has published in several platforms including a textbook on legal tanslation, journal articles on EU Law-Making and media articles for Maltese newspapers including Times, MaltaToday, Independent and Il-Mument where he has been a regular columnist since 2008.

Agius was a candidate for the European election of 2019 where he received more than 10,000 first-preference votes. After that election, Agius stayed active in the PN, being nominated its representative in the European People’s Party and its spokesperson in the last general election.

Agius is married to Mariella and they have three sons. His hobbies include gardening and freshwater fishkeeping.

My results for Malta and Gozo

Over the past years as a candidate, I used my 20 years of experience in the EU to address injustices experienced by Maltese citizens and to ensure that EU legislation is fit for our needs. Here are some of my achievements.

Food Security

I defended the Maltese Consumer at the beginning of the War in Ukraine when European countries blocked the export of wheat to Malta. With my intervention the European Commission took action and the Maltese Consumer was protected.

I pressed for Malta to be given more European funds for the areas of Food production

I raised the issue of the theft of Lampuki by Tunisian fishermen at a European level – the European Commission accepted my proposal for a European patrol boat – after this, theft decreased drastically – thus Maltese fishermen have been better protected and the Maltese consumer can continue to enjoy fish at a good price.

I also intervened through official letters to the European Commission on various themes such as chicken farming in Malta and the supply of fresh Maltese food with the result that the Commission postponed its proposals in this sector.

High prices and transport

I exposed how the European transport proposals will affect Malta in the field of truck transport, air flights and ship transport. After the pressure that I raised, the government tried to negotiate special derogations for Malta.I submitted a formal proposal for the European Commission to be obliged to seriously measure the impact of its laws on islands like Malta before presenting them as legislative proposals. I called this the ‘cost of insularity test’ which I believe must be made mandatory on Europe so that Malta is protected by ‘one size fits all’ European policies. I also successfully lobbied for the EPP to include in its manifesto a proposal to conduct territorial impact assessments ahead of proposing new legislation.


I made public pressure for the government to apply for free WIFI funding in squares and public places. Thanks to this, Malta benefited from funds of an additional 800,000 euros which the people in towns and villages can now enjoy.

Free to Air

I exerted pressure through letters, articles and parliamentary questions with the help of fellow MPs for the Government to guarantee the right to free information through free to air tv. After my pressure the Government announced an investment of 1,5 million in the transmission system.

Freedom of expression and media

As a member of President Antonio Tajani’s cabinet I was at the forefront to insist that Malta ensure full justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia and our family. I also insisted that all Maltese institutions guarantee the freedom of the media and the protection of journalists. As Chief Speaker of the PN I saw that this theme remains at the top of our work and after that I continued to follow closely the proposals of European laws in favor of the freedom of the Media.

Opinion Pieces

Għal Jean Paul Sofia

Domanda Parlamentari lill-Viċi President tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea Stephane Sejourne dwar il-building codes (eurocodes) fil-qasam tal-Kostruzzjoni u mandat speċjali lil JRC biex jgħin fl-introduzzjoni tal-building codes f’Malta Għażiż Kummissarju Sejourne, F’Malta l-bini qed joqtol in-nies. Skont l-ESO qed imutu tlett darbiet aktar f’inċidenti mill-medja fl-Ewropa. Irridu naġixxu biex nipproteġu l-ħajjiet u s-saħħa ta’ dawk li jaħdmu fil-kostruzzjoni, […]

A Tale of Two Inquiries

When Charles Dickens wrote his masterpiece “A Tale of Two Cities” he tackled complex societal themes as those of duality, revolution and resurrection. No doubt the proverbial quote “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” has remained indelible in the minds of many as truly symbolic of an era that […]

The disregard for EU law and safety in Hal Farrug

In the tranquil neighbourhood of Hal Farrug, nestled between two colossal tanks brimming with aviation fuel, residents find themselves caught in a tangle of broken promises with their safety compromised. Their concerns, borne out of legitimate fears for their security and well-being, have been met with bureaucratic indifference and broken pledges. It is a story […]

A new (electric) Gozo Channel

Gozo needs good connectivity. So say the over 1,650 Gozitan students attending tertiary edu­cation institutions in Malta. So say the over 3,500 Gozo residents employed on a full-time basis in Malta. So say the Gozitan patients who must visit the hospital in Malta for services that are not yet available at the Gozo General Hospital. […]

Green Deal has to be a deal for Malta too

As the summer season approaches, many are making plans for their holidays, with flight prices being a crucial factor, particularly for families. Similarly, European visitors considering a trip to Malta are also weighing their options. Malta’s tourism industry has seen substantial growth, reaching 3 million visitors, thanks to decades of investment and promotion efforts. This […]

Highest EU standards… only on paper

We joined the EU to improve our standard of living and adopt higher standards on consumer protection, the environment and safety. In fact, the EU has the highest standards in the world in all these areas. So, we should have the highest water quality standards, right? Not really. The people of Xgħajra don’t benefit from […]

Fighting corruption using new methods

Seeing the vice-president of the European Commission, Maroš Šefčovič touring Delimara with the then (disgraced) energy minister Konrad Mizzi, heaping praise on the Electrogas monument-to-corruption tanker made my blood boil, like it did to many other Maltese of goodwill. That image will be stamped in the hall of infamy in Malta’s ups and downs of […]

Shaping the EU to Maltese needs

When our country participates in the Olympics taking place in Paris this summer, we will be sending the best and most prepared athletes. Europe is also a competition of sorts. All member states are geared to achieve what is best for their people and for their country. We must hence make sure to send our […]

How can I help you as MEP?

Come June 8, my name will appear on the ballot sheet for the election of members to the European Parliament from Malta. The journey getting here was long: from the first deliberations with my family, sounding people in the know, getting to know the PN from the inside and hitting the campaign trail visiting and […]

Press Releases

Tax harmonisation not in the national interest. Let’s guard our leverage in Europe. – Peter Agius at The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry event

“I want effective implementation of EU rules and scrutiny on the government. If elected to the European Parliament, I will not be there to cover up for the government but to represent people and protect their interests. Look at what happened in the financial services sector. FIAU and institutions were sleeping, notwithstanding blatant abuse. Then […]

Peter Agius urges European Commission to provide more opportunities for Maltese youths

“There is a pressing need to widen European opportunities for Maltese and Gozitans youths. Over recent years, I have assisted numerous Maltese youths in accessing the various experiences offered by the European Union, just as I did when I was young. I am committed to increase European opportunities for youths and students if elected to […]

To reduce the cost of living, we need tangible actions from the Government in Malta, rather than blaming others.

The Vice-President of the European Commission, Margrethe Vestager, decisively debunked the claims made by Labor MEP Alex Agius Saliba, who attempted to shift the blame for the cost of living onto importers and the European Commission in order to protect Robert Abela. This was the key takeaway from a press conference held by European Parliament […]

Peter Agius opens office in Gozo

Peter Agius, PN Candidate for the European Parliament Elections, has inaugurated a new office in Triq Karlu Galea, Victoria, Gozo. This marks his second office opening, following that of Triq ir-Rebbiegħa in Mosta. Reflecting on his consistent engagement with the people of Gozo over the past five years, Peter Agius said “In the last 5 […]

Peter Agius discusses housing affordability in Malta with Build Europe

“It is already close to impossible for first-time buyers to access the housing market today. New Green Deal measures will make it even harder to buy property in Malta, especially for first-time buyers who risk seeing price hikes due to new rules requiring new buildings to be net zero emission as from 2030. If elected […]

Peter Agius meets Transparency International EU Director Nick Aiossa

“We need to continue the fight for good governance using new tools, building alliances with all people of good will and empowering civil society to keep decision-makers under constant scrutiny” said EU official and MEP candidate Peter Agius after meeting Nick Aiossa, Director of Transparency International. Transparency International is the leading global organisation tasked with […]

Peter Agius launches his vision as MEP Candidate

Adapting European laws to the needs of Malta as an island state; increase the share of EU opportunities for Maltese youths and organisations, stepping up the fight against corruption in new ways, more investment of European funds in Gozo; implementation of European rights and standards. These are the main themes that MEP Candidate Peter Agius […]

Sigurta tal-Ikel – Proposta li ser tolqot lir-Raħħala Maltin – Eżami tal-Impatt fuq Malta – Prezz tal-Art f’ Malta u Għawdex

Qed nippreżenta ittra lill-Kummissarji Ewropej. Tridu tqisu aktar is-sitwazzjoni speċifika ta’ Malta qabel tressqu liġijiet li ser jaffetwawna. Dan qed nagħmlu kif wgħedt lir-raħħala u l-konsumaturi Maltin. Ser nibqa nkun il-vuċi tagħkom. Aqra l-ittra sħiħa hawnekk: https://tinyurl.com/peter-ittra-lil-kumissarji

European Commission reply to Peter Agius on wheat export restrictions by Hungary to Malta.

European Commission acts upon Peter Agius letter on wheat export restrictions to Malta, asks Hungary to repeal national law restricting exports. We must remain vigilant to secure food supply to Malta in these times of crises: Peter Agius European Commissioners Wojciechowski and Breton have written to Hungarian authorities asking them to repeal the Hungarian law […]

Programm ġo Brussell għal Studenti tal-Ġurnaliżmu u Ġurnalisti Żgħażagħ

Il-Kummissjoni Ewropea qed toffri programm ta’ ġimgħatejn fi Brussell li jinkludi taħriġ u esperjenza diretta tal-istituzzjonijiet Ewropew fi Brussell bl-ispejjeż koperti. Dan jgħodd għal studenti tal-ġurnaliżmu kif ukoll għal ġurnalisti li għadhom kif bdew il-karriera. Opportunita’ interessanti għal dawk interessati fil-ġurnaliżmu kif ukoll inizjattiva utli biex nissensibilizzaw aktar il-media Maltija għall-operat kumpless iżda dejjem aktar […]

Get in touch

Email: kellimni@peteragius.eu

Whatsapp: 0032 470901408

Malta office

27, Enerġija ġdida, Triq ir-Rebbiegħa, Mosta, Malta MST 4010

7969 5073

Gozo office

24, Enerġija ġdida, Triq Karlu Galea, Victoria, Gozo VCT 2605