Peter Agius launches his vision as MEP Candidate

Peter Agius launches his vision as MEP Candidate

Adapting European laws to the needs of Malta as an island state; increase the share of EU opportunities for Maltese youths and organisations, stepping up the fight against corruption in new ways, more investment of European funds in Gozo; implementation of European rights and standards. These are the main themes that MEP Candidate Peter Agius announced he will be working on if elected during the launch of his campaign with the theme: ‘What can I do for you as an MEP?’, in a meeting with stakeholders, NGOs, unions, members of parliament and the media.

Peter Agius who served as Head of the European Parliament Office in Malta and who worked in the European institutions for the last 20 years drew up his vision in five main points following several consultation meetings he held around Malta and Gozo. “After making over 900 home visits and 17 town hall meetings around Malta and Gozo in the last year and a half, I collected the aspirations of Maltese families in five main points that I will work on if people entrust me with their vote on 8th June” said Dr Peter Agius.

Key among these priorities is working for Malta to anticipate the developments in Brussels before they become law that may affect Malta badly. “We need to act earlier and carefully; study how European laws will affect us because once proposals become law it will be too late.” said Peter Agius while sharing a number of examples when this actually happened including in laws concerning transport.

Among the priorities elaborated by Dr. Agius is also his commitment to increase the share and uptake of EU opportunities for Maltese students and youth organizations; the continuous fight against corruption through technical means including the use of European laws on public procurement as well as working with OLAF and EPPO; the continuous emphasis on Gozo as a priority both in the committees of the European Parliament but also through projects and use of European funds to improve connectivity. Agius also spoke on the need for more autonomy in the design and use of European funds for Gozo.

Agius emphasized the need for European rights and standards to be properly implemented in Malta. “It is not enough to have the highest European environmental standards on paper but then throw sewage into the sea. It is not right to live in a Europe that is supposed to have the highest democracy but then press freedom is under threat. I will see that the rights we achieved when we joined the EU are put into practice, even by empowering organizations and citizens who want to fight for their rights.” said Peter Agius.

Peter Agius compared working in Europe to participating in the Olympics where each country sends the best and most prepared athletes to get the best result. He said that during his campaign he will be sharing his ideas with people and listening to their ideas on how Europe can have a positive impact on Maltese and Gozitan communities.

The elaborated vision of Dr. Peter Agius will be available online. Visit Facebook and YouTube to watch the video. The next step for Peter Agius will be to organise a series of meetings where everyone who wants to attend can do so and ask about his vision.

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