Il-Kummissjoni Ewropea se tindirizza d-diffikultajiet tas-sajjieda Maltin wara l-insistenza tal-PN

Il-Kummissjoni Ewropea se tindirizza d-diffikultajiet tas-sajjieda Maltin wara l-insistenza tal-PN

Il-Kummissjoni Ewropea kkonfermat li se tieħu miżuri sabiex tindirizza d-diffikultajiet li qegħdin jaffaċċjaw s-sajjieda Maltin li jistadu għal-lampuki, b’sajjieda Tuneżini li jistadu illegalment bil-kannizzati tagħhom. Din il-konferma min-naħa tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea waslet wara l-laqgħat li kellu l-kandidat għall-elezzjoni tal-Parlament Ewropew Peter Agius fl-aħħar ġimgħat ma’ uffiċjali għolja tal-Kummissjoni fi Brussell.

Filwaqt li l-Unjoni Ewropea introduċiet regolamenti ġodda, naqset milli tipprovdi wens u protezzjoni meħtieġa lis-sajjieda Maltin. Matul il-laqgħat, Peter Agius spjega kif is-sajd bil-kannizzati għal-lampuki tirrikjedi preparazzjoni minn xhur qabel mis-sajjieda u tressqu provi miġbura mil-laqgħat mas-sajjieda Maltin li juru bastimenti Tuneżini jiksru l-liġi, u kif għal din is-sitwazzjoni jeħtieġ soluzzjoni Ewropea u koperazzjoni internazzjonali mal-awtoritajiet Tuneżini.

Min-naħa tagħha, il-Kummissjoni Ewropea qalet li se tkun qed taħdem fil-qrib mal-awtoritajiet Maltin sabiex tevalwa din il-problema u tesplora possibilitajiet ta’ azzjoni. Se tikkunsidra wkoll miżuri li jistgħu jittieħdu fil-Kummissjoni Ġenerali tas-Sajd fil-Mediterran (GFCM) sabiex din it-tip ta’ attività tiġi irregolata bl-aħjar mod, filwaqt li lesta teżamina s-sitwazzjoni f’oqsma oħra tas-sajd inkluż għall-pixxispad, li jużaw l-istess tip ta’ tagħmir sabiex jinstabu soluzjonijiet xierqa.

Il-Kummissjoni Ewropea żiedet li qed taħdem biex tistabbilixxi governanza ġdida fil-Mediterran permezz tal-implimentazzjoni tad-Dikjarazzjoni MedFish4Ever bil-għan li tiżgura kundizzjonijiet ġusti u ugwali għas-sajjieda u sajd sostenibbli.

Fi stqarrija maħruġa mill-istess Peter Agius flimkien mad-deputat Edwin Vassallo, il-PN insista illi wara din il-pożizzjoni tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea, se jibqa’ jsir monitoraġġ tas-sitwazzjoni mal-uffiċjali responsabbli sabiex il-Kummissjoni ma tkaxkarx saqajha fuq din il-kwistjoni.

AI and robotics require serious attention to skills gap or risk mass unemployment

AI and robotics require serious attention to skills gap or risk mass unemployment

Peter Agius, PN candidate for MEPs election, commends the creation of .AI Taskforce entrusted to develop a National AI Strategy. This sector has the potential of opening opportunities for youths, workers & businesses.

However, the government document available for public consultation lacks emphasis on two crucial elements which should be part of the national strategy.
The first one being that artificial intelligence and robotics risk losses on sectors of employment. Hence, it is important that this National AI Strategy incorporates a strategy on developing the skills of Maltese workers so that they adapt to new employment in the digital revolution. It is estimated that in the next decade, in only four European countries, around five million jobs will be lost to robots.
Already in Malta, in some sectors, factories are requiring less human workforce as work is being done by robots.
This may be an opportunity as we can reinforce our industry, however, it represents also a challenge that we must prepare and tackle appropriately.
The MEP candidate said that Malta’s job market can be particularly vulnerable to the digital revolution because of its high early school leaving rate. According the country specific recommendations published by the European Commission, there are serious skill gaps in the Maltese workforce.
“This calls for immediate actions to bolster employee skills, particularly in IT,” said the Tajani Speechwriter, Peter Agius.
“In the digital era we need to adapt and empower our workforce in order to exploit opportunities. Europe provides us the tools to do so. In the next EU budget, the European Commission is proposing EUR 700 million in funds so that European workers adapt their skills to the digital world. Malta can also make use of a special digital fund in order to attract robotics, AI and start-ups,” concluded Dr Agius
See full article and video on the Malta Independent here.
‘Imagine Ninja Lecturing At MCAST’: Maltese MEP Candidate Sees Esports As Malta’s ‘Next Big Industry’

‘Imagine Ninja Lecturing At MCAST’: Maltese MEP Candidate Sees Esports As Malta’s ‘Next Big Industry’

A Maltese PN MEP candidate has called for a larger focus on Esports and gaming in Malta, even going so far as to say that infamous Fortnite Twitch streamer Ninja should lecture on the island.

“I agree with the Prime Minister’s statement with attracting big tournaments to Malta, but we must go much deeper. We must adapt education to produce tailor-made skills – imagine Ninja lecturing at MCAST, or Betsson as Head of IT at MCAST. This is how German industry conquered the world – by getting its industry onto college boards,” said Peter Agius.

His comments come after a visit to local gamer parlour run by, where he played games such as Counterstrike with other Maltese gamers

Agius does have his preferences when it comes to gaming

“My kids play Minecraft, though I am not a big fan, and I played Counterstrike at the parlour – though I got killed nine times in ten minutes,” Agius told Lovin Malta. “I haven’t played Fortnite, though I have played Tekken since I was 18; I do enjoy Tekken a lot.”

When asked who his favourite Tekken character was, Agius responded: “The ladies.”

Admitting he isn’t a “real gamer”, he urged other politicians to “get out of their bubble”.

“I took a glimpse of your world and want to help to make your passion count more, make it easier for your passion to help you get a good job and help this country invest in its talent,” he said of Maltese gamers.


Read full article on LovinMalta here.

PN MEP Criticises Malta’s Electoral Commission As He Raises Awareness Of Foreign Voters’ Rights In Elections

PN MEP Criticises Malta’s Electoral Commission As He Raises Awareness Of Foreign Voters’ Rights In Elections

Maltese PN MEP candidate Peter Agius has launched a multi-language appeal to get foreign voters aware of their rights for the upcoming European Parliament and local council elections.

All expats from European Union countries have the right to vote and to stand as a candidate in local and European elections held in their country of residence.

Speaking in both Italian and French, Agius explained how EU citizens can check whether they are eligible voters through the electoral register and apply by sending a form to the commission’s offices in either Valletta or Victoria, Gozo.

Registration forms must be submitted by 30 March.


Read full article on LovinMalta :