Fighting corruption using new methods

Fighting corruption using new methods

Seeing the vice-president of the European Commission, Maroš Šefčovič touring Delimara with the then (disgraced) energy minister Konrad Mizzi, heaping praise on the Electrogas monument-to-corruption tanker made my blood boil, like it did to many other Maltese of goodwill. That image will be stamped in the hall of infamy in Malta’s ups and downs of 20 years of EU membership.

Yes, that was 2015 but, already then, you could smell the rot in a project which was the likely motive for the assassination of investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia. Wasn’t membership of the EU also supposed to mean better oversight over the excesses of our own governments? Shouldn’t the commission serve as the guardian of the treaty which includes the rule of law?

This is the question several people ask me during town hall meetings and when knocking on doors. They feel that the EU is turning a blind eye to bad governance and corruption.

Fighting corruption and mismanagement

In the past few years, the European Commission has recognised that better safeguards are needed to protect both the EU’s and national interests when it comes to the rule of law and the clean use of public money. A series of EU laws were proposed to ensure this. Some examples include the setting up of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) to investigate financial crimes, a directive for more competitive tendering and the more recent anti-SLAPP law (Daphne’s Law) to fight attempts to muzzle the free press.

But while Malta votes in favour of these laws in Brussels, probably for no other reason than not to look bad,  implementation, as Alfred Sant once called it, amounts to little more than “tbażwir”. The launch of EPPO was delayed, with the whole of the EU kept waiting while Malta took its sweet time to finalise the three nominations it was supposed to make.

Competitive tendering in public procurement? One State entity alone, Project Green, led by Labour MEP candidate Steve Ellul, had already made 600 direct orders in the first six months of its existence.

Ah, yes, and then there was the investigation into why Malta was taking so long to transpose the EU’s anti-money laundering directive into national legislation. It takes some imagination to explain if this is all by accident or a premeditated approach.

Ensuring the government plays by the EU rules in Malta

Labour’s four MEPs are simply incapable of ensuring their party in government applies EU law properly or safeguards the rule of law.

They’re way too busy, conflating party and country, and denouncing critics for “shaming Malta”.

Now we have better tools to ensure to stamp out corruption and abuse of power in Malta, at least with regard to those aspects which fall within the EU remit. What is needed now is that these tools are effectively deployed and not lost en route from Brussels to Malta.

A third MEP for the opposition forces would go a long way to allow further scrutiny on the government. I am committed to stand up to the government that abuses our rights as EU citizens. I am committed to use such new EU tools to the benefit of all of us in Malta and Gozo.

Use of OLAF can be such new tool

It turns out that Kurt Buhagiar, the developer behind the Corradino site where Jean Paul Sofia lost his life, has had no less than three applications for EU funds accepted and granted the maximum allowable limit by the Maltese managing authority of the European Agricultural Fund.

There are hundreds of applicants who never managed to benefit from any EU funding over years while Buhagiar hits the jackpot every time he decides to play.

The €360,000 in taxpayer money was ostensibly for a goat farm. Local media had rung the bell on this development already in September last year. The Sofia public inquiry also mentioned this project as smelling of fraud of EU funds. Did the police commissioner investigate? No.

The Sofia case should have led the Maltese authorities to look more closely at other projects of the people involved. Of course, they didn’t. I had to take the initiative myself and report the matter to the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) for it to investigate the case.

Local authorities cannot be relied on and we must, therefore, also consider new ways of fighting corruption through other venues.

Several people got in touch with me on the matter, expressing support that, finally, someone stood up to rampant abuse. We must give hope to people and show in a tangible way that, indeed, Europe is a tool to protect us. Like so many other opportunities the EU offers us, Malta stands to gain if we are on the ball, if we grasp opportunities and use the right tools to come to concrete results.

I am committed to use my 21-year-long experience within European institutions to fight corruption not only on the political level but also at the technical level. We need to use all tools including existing legislation and European bodies to do the necessary checks and balances on the government. This is one of my main priorities, which I want to work on if elected to the European Parliament.

For all these reasons, we must ensure that we choose the best people to represent us in the European Parliament come June 8.

Soon, we will celebrate 20 years of EU membership. So far, our EU experience has been a success story on many fronts. Corruption and bad governance in Malta and the EU’s complacency about it risks ruining our EU experience. I will not let that happen. Join me in this path. Together we can be the change we need for our country.

Peter Agius is a Nationalist Party MEP candidate.

Shaping the EU to Maltese needs

Shaping the EU to Maltese needs

When our country participates in the Olympics taking place in Paris this summer, we will be sending the best and most prepared athletes. Europe is also a competition of sorts. All member states are geared to achieve what is best for their people and for their country. We must hence make sure to send our best ‘athletes’ to represent us in the European Parliament. We must strive to choose those among us who are best equipped to bring results for Maltese citizens.

We need to adapt Europe to our needs as an island state and as an archipelago. We are repetitively seeing that several EU laws being adopted are not fit for the reality on the ground in the Maltese islands. There is no one within EU institutions who has in mind of giving Malta and its citizens a hard time. It is up to us to shape EU policies to the needs of Malta. EU laws which affect us negatively are the outcome of lack of effective work to make the necessary changes in EU law at the right time.

One classic example is the Emission Trading Scheme directive which in principle is a noble cause to safeguard the environment but which negatively impacts jobs at the Freeport and Maltese consumers.  The Freeport alone is set to lose €140 million in revenues yearly. The cost of transporting shipping containers between Malta and four Italian ports has risen by up to €90 per container from January. We got to know all of this six months after the directive was adopted. That is not acceptable. We need to anticipate changes before EU legislation is shaped. We need to act earlier and carefully; study how European laws will affect us because once proposals become law it will be too late.

The same applies to EU laws on sustainable aviation fuel which will see fares for air passengers as well as cargo increase. Fighting climate change is in our interest, but it cannot come at a disproportionate cost for islands where air travel is crucial.

My commitments and vision

This is why in the Conference on the Future of Europe I called for the introduction of territorial impact assessments to take into account the realities on islands before the European Commission proposes legislation. I am glad that this proposal has also been included in the manifesto of the EPP adopted during the congress in Bucharest. This is an important commitment and I pledge to ensure its implementation in the next five years.

Furthermore, if elected as MEP I will contribute in terms of capacity building for us as a nation to better understand what Europe is doing and to be able to adapt it to our needs. I will organise national conferences with stakeholders to exchange views and set national priorities. This will help feed into the priorities of the European Commission.

Currently, we have MEPs representing Malta in nine of the 20 committees and several EU legislations are not being adapted by the parliament to our needs.  I will therefore table amendments in all legislative committees of the European Parliament on legislation which leaves an impact on Malta by working closely with members of the largest political group – the EPP. The same applies to EU legislation which is of interest to Gozo – which goes beyond the committee responsible for regional policy.

Above all I want to scrutinise the work of the Maltese government in Brussels. It can’t be that the government says one thing in Malta but votes in another way in Brussels. The government can’t continue to treat people as fools. This is what happened with the EU Urban Wastewater Directive. An EU requirement for pharmaceutical producers to pay for wastewater treatment will lead to higher prices of medicines for end consumers. Minister Miriam Dalli went on record to note that Malta was worried that the requirement made on pharmaceutical producers could impact patients. Yet Malta voted in favour of the directive, despite those concerns and without including any safeguard for price increases on medicines.

We need to change the way we do Maltese politics in Europe and I am now ready to use my 20 years of experience in the EU machinery to make this happen.

On 8 June use your vote to make this a reality.

How can I help you as MEP?

How can I help you as MEP?

Come June 8, my name will appear on the ballot sheet for the election of members to the European Parliament from Malta. The journey getting here was long: from the first deliberations with my family, sounding people in the know, getting to know the PN from the inside and hitting the campaign trail visiting and meeting people from all walks of life.

We’re now at the point where voters should have a clear idea where the candidates stand on.

Malta’s interests

My priority, as you’d expect, would be to fight for Malta’s interests. There are two ways to do this. One option is the Labour way, involving little more than pandering to the gallery, making empty statements that make for catchy TV soundbites and viral Facebook posts. What it doesn’t do is to move other politicians to support your cause or Eurocrats to include your point of view into their proposals.

Promoting your country’s interest is a long, hard slog.

It involves reading the signs early, adjusting your sails accordingly, putting forth arguments that are solidly backed with evidence and seeing them through until the finish line. This is why the Maltese government stumbled on many occasions.

On many important files, it failed to be actively present from the beginning and, when belatedly it made its case, it was in a way that wasn’t solid enough to withstand counter-arguments.

Even though I’m not an MEP, I have done my best to be proactive. I have helped hundreds of young people seize the many opportunities available for them at the European level, petitioned the European Commission over grain imports and supported local councils in tapping funding to offer free WiFi. I have proposed measures to support Maltese products with a helping hand to farmers and fishermen. I have campaigned for retention of free-to-air broadcasting.

New ways to fight corruption

Over the past years, I visited over 900 households over the islands in home visits. A drop in the ocean compared to the whole population but nonetheless a good sample. A huge chunk of families I visited feel let down by the EU in the way it turned a blind eye to what was going on in Malta.

People who had looked at the EU to curb domestic excesses and ensure good behaviour from our politicians were shocked to see it was business as usual in Brussels. Joseph Muscat, despite a very dark cloud hanging over his head, would show up to European Council meetings to be welcomed with wide smiles and lots of slapping on the back.

Like anywhere else, European politicians come in all forms. The EU has its fair share of opportunists and unprincipled. What it also has are functioning institutional mechanisms. And, over the last few years, the EU has been putting together its ‘toolbox’ to combat corruption and ensure fairness and the rule of law. From anti-SLAPP legislation to legislation to ensure the independence of public broadcasting, there has been a lot of good work going on.

It is now time to put those tools to work.

The next step is to make use of those tools and ensure that national authorities respect the European laws they voted for. As an MEP, I will make sure that the European Commission sees that the implementation of these laws in the member states is correct and effective. With senior officials like the commissioner of police and the state advocate turning a blind eye to the machinations of the government, there are now other opportunities to ensure that our politics stays clean and authentic.

I will also be fighting the corruption battle at the technical level, using the skills from my 20-year-long experience at the policy table, using the fine print of the EU acquis, from anti-fraud rules to public procurement directives and anti-money-laundering rules.

Special attention to Gozo and young people

Every politician has his favourite topics. I do too.

The first is Gozo. I’m very attached to the place, and it pains me to see that not only is the island left alone to overcome its geographical disadvantages but there are so many EU opportunities which are not being tapped. There are many remote communities in the EU and EU policies exist to ensure that they also benefit from the measures that naturally favour more central communities.

For example, as part of its climate policies, the EU supports clean transport. Imagine if we were to present a serious proposal for a new fleet for Gozo Channel, 100 per cent electric and EU-funded! Stop imagining, it can be done with existing tools and several other member states are already doing it.

For Gozo to succeed, Gozitans must be in the driving seat when it comes to EU-funded projects with a view to creating jobs in Gozo.

As an MEP, I will make sure that Gozo’s voice is heard in the European Parliament committees and that the island’s particular circumstances are taken account of in EU laws and policies.

The EU offers a lot of opportunities to young people. Promoting existing schemes covering youth exchanges, traineeships, studies and work and improving and adapting them will be my aim as an MEP.

Proper implementation

After Malta joined the EU, Alfred Sant went on record saying that, at the helm of the government, his application of EU law would be a case of “tbażwir” – “winging it” doesn’t quite capture the sloppiness implied in the Maltese word. Sant never made it back as prime minister but his Labour successors made the application of EU law a matter of doing nothing really or just enough to keep the European Commission distracted.

For example, the EU law requiring tendering, which the Maltese government ignores and then issues direct orders, and the EU’s Cross Border Healthcare Directive, which says you have the right to be reimbursed healthcare abroad until your government decides that it really doesn’t feel like it should reimburse you. Laws are laws and nobody is above them, certainly not a member state that has voted for them in Brussels and then decides it doesn’t care in Malta.

That, in a nutshell, is where I stand. If you feel that we’re on the same wavelength, get in touch ( or hit my website or Facebook where you find details on upcoming events. And, even better, consider voting for me on June 8.

The EU is an effective means to make improvements to our lives, our communities and our environment. What we need to do is to transform its potential into actual, tangible benefits. With your help, we can do just that.

Peter Agius is a Nationalist Party MEP candidate.

Peter Agius launches his vision as MEP Candidate

Peter Agius launches his vision as MEP Candidate

Adapting European laws to the needs of Malta as an island state; increase the share of EU opportunities for Maltese youths and organisations, stepping up the fight against corruption in new ways, more investment of European funds in Gozo; implementation of European rights and standards. These are the main themes that MEP Candidate Peter Agius announced he will be working on if elected during the launch of his campaign with the theme: ‘What can I do for you as an MEP?’, in a meeting with stakeholders, NGOs, unions, members of parliament and the media.

Peter Agius who served as Head of the European Parliament Office in Malta and who worked in the European institutions for the last 20 years drew up his vision in five main points following several consultation meetings he held around Malta and Gozo. “After making over 900 home visits and 17 town hall meetings around Malta and Gozo in the last year and a half, I collected the aspirations of Maltese families in five main points that I will work on if people entrust me with their vote on 8th June” said Dr Peter Agius.

Key among these priorities is working for Malta to anticipate the developments in Brussels before they become law that may affect Malta badly. “We need to act earlier and carefully; study how European laws will affect us because once proposals become law it will be too late.” said Peter Agius while sharing a number of examples when this actually happened including in laws concerning transport.

Among the priorities elaborated by Dr. Agius is also his commitment to increase the share and uptake of EU opportunities for Maltese students and youth organizations; the continuous fight against corruption through technical means including the use of European laws on public procurement as well as working with OLAF and EPPO; the continuous emphasis on Gozo as a priority both in the committees of the European Parliament but also through projects and use of European funds to improve connectivity. Agius also spoke on the need for more autonomy in the design and use of European funds for Gozo.

Agius emphasized the need for European rights and standards to be properly implemented in Malta. “It is not enough to have the highest European environmental standards on paper but then throw sewage into the sea. It is not right to live in a Europe that is supposed to have the highest democracy but then press freedom is under threat. I will see that the rights we achieved when we joined the EU are put into practice, even by empowering organizations and citizens who want to fight for their rights.” said Peter Agius.

Peter Agius compared working in Europe to participating in the Olympics where each country sends the best and most prepared athletes to get the best result. He said that during his campaign he will be sharing his ideas with people and listening to their ideas on how Europe can have a positive impact on Maltese and Gozitan communities.

The elaborated vision of Dr. Peter Agius will be available online. Visit Facebook and YouTube to watch the video. The next step for Peter Agius will be to organise a series of meetings where everyone who wants to attend can do so and ask about his vision.